U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team Files Lawsuit Under EPA


Last month, the players on the U.S. women’s national soccer team filed a lawsuit against the United States Soccer Federation. The lawsuit, which was filled on International Women’s Day, is a combination complaint as a collective action under the Equal Pay Act and as a class action under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.

The world champion soccer players are seeking back pay, interest, liquidated damages, and attorney fees and costs for the group comprised of all current and former women’s national soccer team employees in the last three years.

In a press release, the USSF said it honored the terms of the collective bargaining agreement. The organization also maintained that it is committed to the fair treatment of female soccer players, saying “our continued support and efforts toward enriching the women’s game is every bit as certain today as it will be in the future.”

The Equal Pay Act applies to all employers, which is why it is crucial to make sure you pay your workers fairly if you are a business owner. Due to the attention this case is receiving, similar lawsuits against employers are bound to arise. Our legal team at Polaris Law Group is here to help you make sure your employment practices do not violate the Equal Pay Act.

Call (888) 796-4010 today to schedule your consultation with an employment law lawyer today.