What is The Injury and Illness Prevention Program?

What is The Injury and Illness Prevention Program?

All employers in California are required to develop and maintain an effective program that meets the standards of Cal/OSHA’s Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) regulation.

Read on to learn more about Cal/OSHA’s Injury and Illness Prevention Program regulation.

Program Requirements

Your employer’s IIPP must be stated in writing and needs to state in specific terms what they are doing in all of the following areas:

  • Responsibility
    • The name(s) and/or job title(s) of the person or people who are authorized and tasked with executing the program.
  • Compliance
    • A written network designed to assure obedience with safe and healthy work customs.
  • Communication
    • Procedure to communicate using a form that is easily understandable by employees regarding safety and health concerns. This may comprise of meetings, trainings, postings, written communications, and a labor-management safety and health committee. Employers need to motivate employees to assess and communicate hazards without worrying about retaliation. If an employer utilizes a labor-management committee to communicate health and safety concerns with employees, they‘ll need to meet specific requirements indicated in the IIPP regulation.
  • Hazard Assessment
    • Methods to establish and assess workplace dangers, which include regular inspections.
  • Accident or Exposure Investigation
    • Methods to investigate work-related injuries and illnesses.
  • Hazard Correction
    • Processes and protocols to remedy dangerous or unhealthy working conditions in a prompt fashion.
  • Training and Instruction
    • Useful system to instruct employees about customary safe working practices and dangers particularized for every job role, written in a language that employees are able to comprehend.
  • Recordkeeping
    • Composed documents regarding the steps your employer has taken in order to initiate and execute the IIPP.

You can find the particular requirements for an IIPP in the California Code of Regulations, title 8, section 3203. You may also find the requirements on the home page of the Department of Industrial Relations.

We’re Here to Help

If you believe your rights as a California employee have been violated, you may be able to recover compensation. Our attorneys at Polaris Law Group have helped many other people attain justice, and we can help you, too. Don’t hesitate to contact our attorneys with any questions you may have right away.

Contact our Monterey County employment law attorney today at (888) 796-4010 to schedule a consultation!