Holidays & Paid Time Off Laws in California


With the holidays approaching, Polaris Law Group would like to help you better understand holiday pay, paid time off, and other laws concerning employees’ rights. Hollister employment law attorney, Bill Marder, understands that many might be unclear about how many employers handle holiday pay time.

Below, we offer six reminders that may help you to better understand California’s law on holidays.

  1. Employers in California are not required to pay employees for working on holidays.
  2. California employers do not need to pay additional wages when employees.
  3. Employers must reasonably allow an employee to take time off for religious reasons.
  4. Employers must pay an employee his or her wages the following day if payday is on a holiday.
  5. If an employer offers paid time off, they do not need to allow employees to earn accumulate paid time off.
  6. Employers do not need to provide paid time off to their employees who work on holidays.

Because there are many variables to employment law, knowing where your legal rights lie now can help protect you in the future. This is particularly true if you believe an employer has given you unfair or improper treatment.

Know Your Rights—Contact Us Today

As always, should you have any questions about your employee status and holiday pay rates, please do not hesitate to consult with a Hollister employment lawyer.

Polaris Law Group wishes you a happy and wonderful holiday season!
